Best Barbarian Builds & Tips for Diablo 4 Season 7: Level Up Fast with AoE Power

Since Diablo 4’s Season 7 has officially begun, you must restart your character from Level 1, work back to maximum level, and then earn Paragon levels due to the seasonal system. Naturally, this can take a lot of time, and if you’ve already reached the maximum level of a character in a game one or more times, leveling them can become monotonous. Fortunately, Witchcraft Powers help you become stronger, and Diablo 4’s seasonal characters make it easy.

In Diablo 4, you can choose to play a variety of classes, including Barbarian, which is subject to seasonal adjustments. Since you’re mostly a melee fighter, it’s ideal if you enjoy being in the thick of things. When you play on higher levels and face elites and monsters, battles may be severe, thus having a significant amount of durability in addition to your attacks helps you survive. For the fastest leveling experience, you want to strike a balance between your attack power and durability, and barbarians have a lot of useful skills and passives.

Best Barbarian Abilities to Maximize Fury Generation in Season 7

Barbarian's Wrath of the Berserker in diablo 4

Since barbarians in Diablo 4 use Fury instead of a resource like Mana, which starts full and depletes as you cast, you can base your build around a few abilities for a barbarian when you’re leveling up. Lunging Strike is a key component of the best Barbarian build, which is excellent for both leveling and endgame content because it gives you mobility and Fury generation.

Tip – The design of Lunging Strike makes it beneficial for all skill levels. As it leads you to your target, you can use it to fill gaps, but you can also use it to dodge assaults by lunging outside the area of impact at a nearby enemy.

Lunging Strike is a great tool for leveling a Barbarian because it can be used both offensively and defensively. You can also quickly put it on any Treasure Goblin you encounter. You can also use your main ability more by staying on adversaries and repeatedly using your Lunging Strike against them.

Related: How to Unlock and Upgrade Witchcraft Powers in Diablo 4 Season 7

Upheaval, the Barbarian build’s star, comes next. The ability Upheaval does damage in a cone in front of you while consuming Fury. To utilize Upheaval as frequently as possible, you want to use gear and passives to produce as much Fury as you can. As a result, you become an AoE powerhouse capable of handling difficulties from the start of the game until its conclusion. Then, you should use your shouts to aid generate fury and deal damage.

You get to choose your shouts after you have Upheaval. You start with War Cry and Rallying Cry. Rallying Cry is a fantastic shout to use first because it increases your movement speed and generates more Fury. You should save War Cry for when you have a lot of Fury on hand because it boosts the amount of damage you deal. You should also use it when you’re up against bosses and elites. The good news is that you can typically utilize your Shout skills more than once throughout each significant engagement because their cooldowns aren’t that long.

You should think about rounding up your skills with Challenging Shout in addition to Rallying Cry and War Cry, but you don’t have to do this to make the build work. As a bonus, Challenging Shout reduces damage while it’s active, but because it’s a taunt, it also attracts foes to you. You could use an ability like Leap here if you’d rather have more movement options than a Shout. Nonetheless, Challenging Shout is usually seen as the superior option because of the additional durability and the fact that having a Lunging Strike with Swiftness already provides sufficient mobility.

Finally, your ultimate skill should be Wrath of the Berserker. Utilizing it gives you Unstoppable, which eliminates and stops movement-impairing abilities from affecting you, as well as increased damage and movement speed from Berserking. There are then choices for you to add passives to your build and enhance your skills. You may choose alternatives like Pit Fighter for these if you believe that you need more durability, or you may choose Swiftness for movement speed.

Best Gear, Aspects, and Gems for the Ultimate Barbarian Build in Diablo 4

Since you will deal the most damage with the Upheaval build on two-handed weapons, you should concentrate on those. However, you should seek out equipment that boosts movement speed, max health, upheaval damage, and fury generation. Items such as Hellhammer’s Upheaval buffs, Banished Lord’s Talisman’s Overpower buffs, and Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty’s Berserking buffs are excellent choices for this build.

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You also want to identify certain qualities that are superior to others. While you can mix and match aspects for your equipment, the Bold Chieftain’s Aspect is a must for an Upheaval build because it allows you to utilize Shouts more frequently. Sundered Ground is the other element you need for this setup because it ensures that your next Upheaval will Overpower foes with a 20-second cooldown. The Elixir of Advantage is a fantastic choice for short-term boosts because it speeds up your attacks.

Gems are the easiest to understand in comparison to the rest of the build. Put rubies in your armor for strength, emeralds in your weapons for critical blows, and skulls in your jewelry for armor buffs. If you don’t have greater gems, you can utilize lesser ones instead of going back to town when leveling up. However, when you reach the maximum level, you’ll need Grand Emeralds, Grand Rubies, and Grand Skulls. After that, you’ll be prepared to defeat demons in Diablo 4’s Season of Witchcraft as a Barbarian.

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