CSGO Viewmodel Commands List – Complete Guide

Listed are all the Viewmodel commands that you can use in CSGO.

Do you want the best CSGO Viewmodel setting to excel in your experience in the game? Well, console commands allow you to change your CSGO ViewModel settings.

For this article, we’ll be going over the key factors that you’ll need to watch out for while adjusting your own ViewModel settings and we’ll include the settings of six top-tier professional players in CS: GO.

How To Use ViewModel FOV Commands in CS: GO?

Implementing the contents of the list you see above is simple and straightforward. After all, they are commands which means that we need the command console to put them to use. Simply make sure that your Developer Console is enabled in the Counter-Strike Global Offensive settings menu and open it by clicking on the “`” button on your keyboard. Then, paste the contents into the console.

All CSGO Viewmodel Commands List

All CSGO Viewmodel Commands List.

Here is a list of all the console commands list for CSGO ViewModel.

Console CommandDescription
cl_righthand [0 / 1]With this CS: GO ViewModel command you can choose the side of the weapon you are holding. 0=weapon in the left hand and 1=weapon in the right hand.
viewmodel_fov [FOV]Set the client’s FOV to a maximum of 68 while 60 is the default value. Zoom in and out for a better view.
viewmodel_offset_x [X Offset]X Offset describes the distance to the borders to the left and right in the first person mode. The maximum value is a distance of 2.5 and the minimum is -2.5.
viewmodel_offset_y [Y Offset]Y Offset describes the distance and how far away the weapon is from your character. The maximum value is 2 and the minimum value is -2.”
viewmodel_offset_z [Z Offset]Z Offset describes the distance to the top and bottom of your view model’s hand and weapon in the first-person mode. The maximum value is 2 and the minimum value is -2.”
viewmodel_presetpos [1 / 2 / 3]You can use presets for the CS: GO ViewModel, 1 for Desktop, 2 for Couch, and 3 for Classic.
cl_bobamt_lat [Value]Adjust how much the view model and gun will move to the side when running.
cl_bobup [Value]Adjust how much your view model and weapon move/bobs up when running.
cl_bob_lower_amt [Value]Adjust how much your view model and gun barrel move back toward you when you are running.
cl_bobamt_vert [Value]Adjust how much your view model and gun barrel move up and down when moving forward.
cl_brushfastpathCS: GO brushfastpath command.
cl_camera_follow_bone_index [-2 / -1 / 0]The camera follows the ViewModel command in CS: GO adjusts how the camera is following the index of the bone.
cl_use_new_headbob [0 / 1]Adjust if your head moves up and down when you are running. Can’t be adjusted for ranked matchmaking. Only for the SV cheat modes.
cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt [Viewmodel Shift]Setup how much your view model moves to the left when shooting accuracy increases.
cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt [Viewmodel Shift]Setup how much your view model moves to the right when shooting accuracy increases.
default_fovSet your Field of View, also called VOW to the specified number, you can set it to any value but requires sv_cheats to be enabled.
fov_cs_debug [FOV]The fov debug command will set your FOV to the specified value, provided sv_cheats is set to 1. It has no limitations.
viewmodel_recoil [Recoil]With this CS: GO ViewModel command you can define how much recoil is shown when being shot.
cl_bob_versionCS: GO bob version command.
Adjust how much your view model bobs when you run.

CSGO Best Viewmodel Settings

The best ViewModel settings vary from person to person, but the general consensus is that the more “out of the way” your ViewModel is the better. This is because the view model will obstruct your view less, allowing for better visibility.

To set optimal, most out-of-the-way, ViewModel settings, copy and paste the below command into your developer console:

viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y -2; viewmodel_offset_z -2; viewmodel_fov 54

How to Change CSGO ViewModel?

Your viewmodel is your character’s hands, the gun that you’re holding, and anything else fixed in front of the camera when in first-person mode. There are four commands that change the position of your ViewModel, they are outlined in the table below:

NameMin/MaxDescriptionBest Setting
viewmodel_offset_x-2.5 to 2.5Changes how far right or left your gun isviewmodel_offset_x 2.5 
viewmodel_offset_y-2 to 2Changes how close your gun is to your characterviewmodel_offset_y -2 
viewmodel_offset_z-2 to 2Changes how far up or down your gun isviewmodel_offset_z -2 
viewmodel_fov54 to 68Changes the field of view of your view modelviewmodel_fov 54

To change your field of view to something other than our recommended settings outlined above, simply replace the number at the end of the command with a number between the command’s “Min/Max” from the table.

CSGO ViewModel Settings Used By Pros

Here are some of the View Models that a few of the best pros CSGO players use.


Aleksander Kostyliev, or S1imple, likes to have his line of sight much clearer and prefers his weapon on the right side, given that he is a right-handed person. Below is the setting of his for the CSGO View Model.

  • ewmodel_fov 68;
  • viewmodel_offset_x 2.5;
  • viewmodel_offset_y 0;
  • viewmodel_offset_z -1.5;
  • viewmodel_presetpos 3;
  • cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 1.5;
  • cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 0.75;
  • viewmodel_recoil 0; cl_righthand 1;


As you can see, Niko, or Nicola Kovach, likes his ViewModel options exactly the same as S1imple. In fact, there are countless professional CSGO players who prefer the same presets, as they have found them to work best for their case.

  • viewmodel_fov 68;
  • viewmodel_offset_x 2.5;
  • viewmodel_offset_y 0;
  • viewmodel_offset_z -1.5;
  • viewmodel_presetpos 3;
  • cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 1.5;
  • cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 0.75;
  • viewmodel_recoil 0;
  • cl_righthand 1;


Here we have EliGE, otherwise known as Jonathan Jablonowski. This player has set his CSGO ViewModel to be right-handed and a bit higher up than many others. Hos setting for CSGO View Model is given below.

  • viewmodel_fov 68;
  • viewmodel_offset_x 1;
  • viewmodel_offset_y 2;
  • viewmodel_offset_z -1.5;
  • viewmodel_presetpos 0;
  • cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 1.5;
  • cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 0.75;
  • viewmodel_recoil 0;
  • cl_righthand 1;


This player has adjusted his settings exactly the same as the first two pros on our list. He takes advantage of this ViewModel as a right-handed person and makes sure to keep a clear line of sight at all times.

  • viewmodel_fov 68;
  • viewmodel_offset_x 2.5;
  • viewmodel_offset_y 0;
  • viewmodel_offset_z -1.5;
  • viewmodel_presetpos 3;
  • cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 1.5;
  • cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 0.75;
  • viewmodel_recoil 0;
  • cl_righthand 1;


Coldzera’s ViewModel option allows him to have as much vision on the screen as possible. He has shifted his hands to the right side, giving him much more visibility of everything that is going on on the screen. Following is the setting of his for CSGO View Model.

  • viewmodel_fov 60;
  • viewmodel_offset_x 1;
  • viewmodel_offset_y 1;
  • viewmodel_offset_z -1;
  • viewmodel_presetpos 1;
  • cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 1.5;
  • cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 0.75;
  • viewmodel_recoil 0;
  • cl_righthand 1;


Richard Papillon, or Shox, has hit the sweet spot when it comes to ViewModel’s position in Counter-Strike Global Offensive. His setting for CSGO View Model is given below.

  • viewmodel_fov 60;
  • viewmodel_offset_x 1;
  • viewmodel_offset_y 1;
  • viewmodel_offset_z -1.5;
  • viewmodel_presetpos 1;
  • cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 1.5;
  • cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 0.75;
  • viewmodel_recoil 0;
  • cl_righthand 1;

How To Activate God Mode In CS: GO?

After enabling the cheats in CSGO, simply type ‘god’ to use god mode. Once you’ve had fun with in-game invincibility, you can disable the cheat by typing ‘god’ for a second time.