How to Find All Yellow Stakes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Yellow Stakes will help you unlock Chien Pao. Here is how to get it.

Yellow Stakes are the items that you need to find in different locations. After finding the yellow stakes you will be able to reach a Seal that will help you unlock a Chien Pao Pokémon. Usually, Pokémon located near the stakes are legendary and special Pokémon.

In this guide, we will discuss how to find Yellow Stakes and unlock Chien Pao in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

How to Find All Yellow Stakes and Locations

There are a total of Eight Yellow Stakes that you need to find. Most of the stakes you will find in the west region of the Paldea. Before starting this journey makes sure to unlock all the riding abilities like Flying, Climbing, and Swimming.

How to Find All Yellow Stakes and Locations

1st Yellow Stake Location

You will be able to find this Stake in Alfornada where you need to go to this location to the east. First fast travel to the Alfornada and follow the cliffs and water. You will reach the South Province (Area Four). As you go deep down the cliff you will see the Stake at the edge of the Cliff.

1st yellow stake

2nd Yellow Stake Location

The second Yellow Stake is located near the white star on the map which is toward the north of the Alfornada. Go there by climbing through the cliffs and you will reach the West Province (Area One). You will find this stake on the cliff.

2nd yellow stake

3rd Yellow Stake Location

Find the third Chien Pao Cave Yellow stake in the West Province (Area One). Go to this location on the map. After reaching the cave you will find this stake on the left side.

3rd yellow stake

4th Yellow Stake Location

You will find this Stake on the cliff ledge which will require climbing. Get out of the cave and reach this area to get the Yellow Stake. Once you get there you will see the Yellow Stake in the middle of the Cliff.

4th yellow stake

5th Yellow Stake Location

Head towards the Northwest part of the map to find Yellow Stake on the circular Rock Platform. This platform is in the middle of the two Cliffs when you jump on it try not to fall. Get the Yellow Stake and move forward.

5th yellow stake

6th Yellow Stake Location

After getting the fourth stake you need to head towards the northeast. Go to this location on the map and you will find this Yellow Stake on the big cliff which you need to climb.

6th yellow stake

7th Yellow Stake Location

You will find the 7th Yellow Stake ear the 6th Yellow Stake Location. You need to head towards the southeast.  Following the downward and you will reach the South Province (Area Two). You will find this Stake in the corner of the cliff.

7th yellow stake

8th Yellow Stake Location

You will find the last and Final Yellow Stake in southeast Cascarrafa. You need to fast travel to the watch tower of the Cascarrafa. After reaching there you need to look for this Yellow near the trees. You will find this stake behind the tree.

8th yellow stake