God of War Ragnarok – How to Defeat Heimdall

In God of War Ragnarok, we have to defeat bosses at different stages in the game. You will encounter some bosses in the main story and some as the side bosses during the quests. For the main story boss, you must have to defeat them but you can skip the side bosses.

In this guide, we will discuss how to defeat Heimdall.


Heimdall is a young boss which has a sword and also a spear which he uses to defend your attacks against him. This boss also has two phases.

Heimdall health bar

How to Defeat:

The boss will do multiple attacks including heavy and light attacks. He can change his position very quickly. He will use projectile attacks. Which throws the purple flame at you. At the beginning of the fight, he will use multiple projectile attacks and a red attack in that situation he will fast forward and wing the sword toward you.

You can dodge this attack. The only way you can give him more damage at first is by using the ability of detonation which is a spear ability. By using this attack he will get stunned and you will fight him but he didn’t get hurt. After using this attack he will get hurt and a real fight begins.

Heimdall Shield attack

Immediately after that, the time will slow and he will use a yellow attack. In that situation, he will swing his sword two times. The next he will summon white light from the whistle and attack you.

He will also use both red and yellow attacks one after another which didn’t you enough time to understand the attack and you will get hurt if you don’t dodge the attack.

Then he will use the red circle attack which is a heavy attack. In which he will summons the light from his sword and smash the ground. He will also do another one in which he will use the cover of the sword to attack you.

Heimdall heavy attack

He will also use a protective bar on his health which will help him to reduce the damage. You just have to focus and dodge the attacks. In the end, you will use the spear to him in his right hand. After that, the second phase will begin.

Heimdall second phase

Second phase:

During the second phase, he will become more aggressive and his right arm will lighten up. The first attack he will use is the light attack in that situation he will quickly run toward you and try to catch you by the throat. You can parry and dodge this attack.

Heimdall lightening attack

The heavy attack he will use is first, He will smash his right hand on the ground and quickly summons a rock from the ground and throw it at you. He will also use a red attack in which he will jump and slam his right hand at you.  He will also use a big smash attack.

In that situation, he will power up his right hand and smash the ground. He will hold the ground and smash the ground again. This will draw a red circle so you can dodge the area of the attack. This attack is a combination of a red and blue attack. Once you understand the attacks you will defeat him easily. Just try to do the spear attacks as much as possible.

Defeating Heimdall

This is how you can defeat the Heimdall. We hope this guide will help you.