How Many Crown Bosses Are in Hyper Light Breaker Early Access and How to Defeat Them

At the moment, Hyper Light Breaker has more playable characters than bosses because the game is in Early Access. However, facing the two bosses that do exist can be challenging because they are both very strong on their own. Players may find out a significant amount of information on both of these bosses if they are prepared to seek it out.

These bosses are also known as Crown Bosses because defeating them unlocks characters in Hyper Light Breaker. For each Crown Boss they defeat, they will receive an Abyss Stone, which will enable them to experiment with new characters and gameplay elements throughout the game. Because of this, defeating the Crown Bosses is rather necessary, and part of that process is learning how they operate.

The Two Crown Bosses in Hyper Light Breaker Early Access: How to Face Them

The Two Crown Bosses in Hyper Light Breaker Early Access

The two Crown Bosses in Hyper Light Breaker at the moment are Dro and Exus. When a player enters a Crown Boss arena, they can find either of them, however they are completely random. Exus is a huge fighter who is skilled with fire. He frequently slams the ground, is large, and launches charge attacks.

In contrast, Dro is a blindfolded wolf-like creature. Both of their memories will be revealed to players who are assembling the fragments, and thus far, they do appear tragic. Dro is significantly more difficult to move about than her counterpart because of her quick and somewhat unpredictable movements. When players come across both Crowns, they will fight hard.

How to Find and Defeat Crown Bosses in Hyper Light Breaker

an overgrowth map with the crowns crossed out in hyper light breaker

The Abyss King is the last boss, and defeating him requires facing the Crown Bosses. Since he is not present in this version of the Early Access game, the last boss has not yet been seen. Each Cycle player will have the opportunity to take on three Crown Bosses, though. They will always be Dro or Exus for the time being, even though there are three.

In each Cycle, players must first gather prisms, which can be obtained by defeating mini-bosses throughout the world. There are always six of these, and they are typically an overpowered version of a different enemy on the map. Be cautious, as they are typically more powerful and much more dangerous than their normal counterparts, but defeating one is a significant source of healing in Hyper Light Breaker.

Each Crown Boss will have a node on the world filled after defeating a prism. You can unlock the first Crown Boss by collecting two, the second by collecting four, and the last by collecting six. As soon as they have the necessary quantity of prisms, players can visit the Crown Boss. In addition to receiving several awards and an Abyss Stone, the player can go to the Extraction Point after defeating the Crown Boss. If they have any remaining Resurrects, players will have another opportunity at the Crown Boss; if not, they will begin the following Cycle.

Beating the last Crown Boss at this point will offer the player a screen announcing that the Abyss King is coming soon. Normally, the Abyss King would be the last thing a player performs in a Cycle, but for now, they will have to wait.

Will More Crown Bosses Be Added in Hyper Light Breaker Early Access? Future Boss Updates Explained

hyper light breaker early access launch trailer screenshot

Heart Machine stated in the Early Access video that more Crown Bosses would be introduced as the trial time progressed, though it is unclear when this will happen. There are currently no dates or specifics available, however, it seems like they are adding more as possible. The players won’t know for certain for a time. Players can learn more information on Discord, though, as the creators are very active there.

In a few weeks, months, or maybe early next year, players will have the opportunity to take on more bosses. The Last Master, a notable additional boss that might appear on the map, typically appears when the Death Meter hits the halfway mark. At this point, players are in grave peril on the map. Be cautious since if the player is fleeing from the Last Master, he may follow them into the Extraction Point. Other than that, players can currently only encounter those bosses in Hyper Light Breaker.

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