How To Defeat Exus In Hyper Light Breaker (Boss Fight Tips)

As you attempt to finish runs in the Overgrowth, you can attempt to defeat Exus, a Crown boss in Hyper Light Breaker, for rare rewards. Exus may be the most difficult opponent you will encounter, along with the three Crown bosses in the Early Access version of the game. Your run may finish sooner rather than later if you are not ready to face this gladiatorial fighter and his fires.

It can be significantly simpler to defeat the Crown boss if you challenge Exus with other players in Hyper Light Breaker’s online cooperative mode. However, you must first gather unique items known as Prisms before you can even fight Exus. Various Crown bosses, such as Exus, require different amounts of Prisms to defeat, although you can obtain Prisms from Elite variation foes that are dispersed around the Overgrowth.

Where To Find Exus In Hyper Light Breaker

character fighting Exus gets burned in Hyper Light Breaker

You can locate Exus behind a Crown Gate on your map each time you reset the Overgrowth in a new Cycle. You can determine which Crown is open for challenge whenever you arrive at a Crown Gate. Above the Gate, a sign of Exus should indicate the precise number of Prisms required to open the boss’s route.

Even the Elite enemies you had to defeat to obtain Prisms are dwarfed in potency by crown bosses, who are incredibly formidable foes. Every time you confront a Crown, you must also battle the different minions they send out to defend their battlefields. This can still overwhelm you if you aren’t lowering the numbers against you, but it’s easier to handle than the other Crown boss in Hyper Light Breaker because of the size of Exus’ arena, which is similar to a Colloseum.

Note: In a reset Overgrowth map, some Crown Gates cost more Prisms in some runs than they did previously. For instance, in one run, Exus’ Crown Gate might only cost two prisms, but in another, it might cost four to six.

In addition to indicating where a Crown Gate is located in the Overgrowth, your map will also indicate potential locations for Elite foes with prisms. It can take you a while to collect all the things needed to open Exus’ Crown Gate, depending on how many Prisms you need.

Tips & Tricks To Defeat Exus Boss In Hyper Light Breaker

Tips & Tricks To Defeat Exus Boss In Hyper Light Breaker

The fiery fighter will attempt to burn any character in the battle by shooting balls of fire as you try to repel Exus’s henchmen. Burning a character while fighting Exus will cause damage over time, rapidly depleting their health. Before facing Exus, make sure you have a couple of Medkits in Hyper Light Breaker ready so you can withstand any fire that may remain.

Exus is incredibly swift and, after sprinting to its opponents, uses its fiery fist to produce enormous shockwaves. Staying far enough away to respond to Exus’s strikes and inflict damage on it when it recovers from its numerous movements is the best strategy for taking it on. Exus gives you more chances to strike back because he hits more slowly than Dro, the second Crown boss.

Tip – Exus creates a trail of fire with each step, and if you touch it, your character may automatically be placed in the Burn condition. To avoid being readily harmed by the boss, try to remain out of Exus’ way.

The most hazardous attacks in Exus’ repertoire are listed in the table below, along with countermeasures:

Exus Move List
AttackDescriptionHow To Counter
Flaming FistExus creates a shockwave AoE around itself by lifting its hot fist into the air and then slamming it to the ground.A little yellow ring will surround this strike while Exus charges it. This shows the strike’s area of effect; to avoid it, move outside of this radius or dodge it.
Fire DashExus rushes ahead to a target and delivers a powerful blow with its fist charged. Exus’s path turns into a flaming trail that burns anyone who crosses it.Once Exus has finished charging its fist, dodge or use Hyper Light Breaker’s Perfect Parry to take on the strike directly. Avoid or move away from any remaining flames.
Incendiary OrbsWhen Exus throws a ball of fire at a target, it bursts upon impact, releasing many orbs of flame into the air. After hovering for a moment, these spheres transform into homing projectiles that follow an adversary.Avoid getting caught in the first fireball. Then, in order to avoid being hit by the follow-up projectiles, attempt to enter a finishing motion against one of Exus’ minions.
Firestrike TornadosAvoid getting caught in the first fireball. Then, to avoid being hit by the follow-up projectiles, attempt to enter a finishing motion against one of Exus’ minions.Exus may conjure two tornadoes of flame when he is at half health, which spread around the area and burns and harm anyone who comes into contact with them.

You can obtain Abyss Stones, a rare currency that can be used to unlock new characters, by defeating Exus. In Hyper Light Breaker, players who defeat Exus can also utilize these Stones to boost the stats of their current character, providing them with the means to defeat the other Crown bosses.

When the Crown boss’s health is low, several of these moves acquire new qualities, and Exus can chain any of these moves together one after the other. For instance, when Exus is in a desperate situation, the Flaming Fist attack generates three fire trails from the original strike, which increases its area of effect. Remain calm and wait for Exus to complete a series of assaults before retaliating to reduce its health.

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