How to Find and Use Medigems in Hyper Light Breaker for Maximum Healing

Perhaps the most vital items to acquire in Hyper Light Breaker are Medigems and Medkits, which offer beneficial sources of healing while you’re running. When you create Medkits with Medigems, you can re-enter the Overgrowth with a supply of healing items. But as you continue your explorations, you need to keep in mind that there are guidelines governing the interaction between Medigems and Medkits.

To advance in Hyper Light Breaker, you might unintentionally come across Medigems while looking for Bright Blood. Don’t bother gathering Medigems during your first few runs because you can’t begin doing so until you get the upgrade that lets you carry Medkits. Learn the game’s mechanics throughout that period, including the special abilities of particular characters.

What Are Medigems and How To Unlock It In Hyper Light Breaker

medigem resource description in hyper light breaker

You can begin collecting Medigems from the Overgrowth if you get the Pherus Bit upgrade that lets you hold Medkits. Taking a Medigem from the wild will only restore a little portion of your health, but Medkits can restore a large portion of your health in a single usage. You can recuperate a little bit after battles with foes who have hurt your character by swiftly exploring a zone.

Note: Medigems are multicolored plants that grow in different places. When you capture them, they give you five HP and resemble a group of glowing reeds that light up different parts of the ground.

Just as other goods are kept, the number of Medigems you gather during a run is counted. Before you choose to reenter the Overgrowth after you die and return to the hub world, all of the Medigems you have accumulated will be automatically transformed into Medkits. You can quickly provide yourself with several healing items in advance of your next run by amassing a large number of Medigems.

You’ll need to farm a lot of Medigems to build up a supply of restorative items because it takes 3 Medigems to turn into a single Medkit. Although those who have perfected the Perfect Parry in Hyper Light Breaker might not require as many Medkits to survive, it’s usually preferable to have more healing than less. You can typically run through the Overgrowth farther if you have more Medkits.

Where to Find Medigems in Hyper Light Breaker – Farming Tips

Medigems are so important that you will want to acquire them constantly, but they appear in the Overgrowth at random in each run. As of this writing, Hyper Light Breaker does not have any enhancements that would make it easier to monitor Medigems or collect more from other sources.

The best ways to farm more Medigems include:

  • Explore Overgrowth Areas Near Buildings
  • Defeat Different Enemies
  • Clear Secret Laboratories

Simply gliding through the Overgrowth and picking up whatever you see is the simplest method to obtain Medigems. The majority of Medigems are typically located on the grasses close to buildings or other things that, in the reorganized world, would be worth investigating. Medigems always appear in different places because each Overgrowth you investigate throughout a run is random, so you just need to keep an eye out for any instances of them.

Tip – If you’re having trouble finding Medigems, you might try buying Medkits from Chemist, an NPC dealer. You can keep the Medkits you collect since this character randomly appears in various locations across the Overgrowth and sells them for free.

Although it is not very often, enemies do occasionally have the opportunity to drop Medigems. Medigems are more likely to be dropped by tougher opponents in hidden labs, but you can only enter these locations with a special key that you uncover while exploring the overgrowth. Fortunately, you have two chances to locate the resource in one place because the Labs you do open have the potential to cultivate Medigems inside their antiseptic hallways.

To keep yourself alive, you’ll need to farm Medigems during each run. Medigems will only become more significant when you get the ability to carry more Medkits because you will be able to turn more of them into healing supplies. To stay in the Overgrowth for much longer, you should constantly try to obtain Medigems in Hyper Light Breaker from whatever source you can.

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