How to Find Soothe Bell in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Soothe Bell is an item in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet that is an evolving item. Soothe Bell is a holding item that comforts the bell holder and makes him calm.

You can use this item to increase friendship with Pokemon helping them to evolve into the next phase in Scarlet and Violet. Soothe Ball also give a buff to the trainers which will increase the damage power by 10 percent.

In this guide, we will discuss how to find Sooth Bell in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

How to Find Soothe Bell in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet (Location)

Soothe Bell is an easy item to get because you will get Soothe Bell from the Delibird Presents Shops. There are multiple Delibird Presents Shops in Paldea Region.

You can look for the Sooth Bell in Mesagoza, Levincia, and Cascarrafa. These are the towns in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Soothe Bell will always be available in the Shops. It will cost you 5000 Poke dollars for one piece of Soothe Bell.

How to Find Soothe Bell in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet (Location)

Why we Need Soothe Bell in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

There are some specific Pokémon that need Soothe Bell to increase friendship. This means if I want to increase the level of some Pokémon I need to increase his Friendship. For Example: if I want to increase a specific Pokémon level from 15 to 26 then I need to use the item which will make the Pokémon happy.

How to Increase Pokémon Friendships with Soothe Bell

After reaching the required level the Pokémon will evolve into his next form. This will be the easiest method for players to increase their friendships. These are the Pokémon that you can evolve by increasing the friendship.

  1. Eevee
  2. Frigibax
  3. Applin
  4. Riolu
  5. Nymble
  6. Chansey

Use Soothe Bell to Make Pokémon Happy

There are also some other Pokémon that can make happy by giving them Soothe Bell. Most of these Pokémon are angry so you need to make them happy by giving them the Soothe Bell.

You can also make them happy with a picnic and by washing them. But giving Soothe Bell is the simplest and most efficient way to level them up. This will cost you money if you are buying the Soothe Bell in quantity.