How To Fix Crashing On Start-Up In Hyper Light Breaker

Users with PC Early Access to Hyper Light Breaker might be encountering several problems when attempting to launch the game. When players attempt to launch the game past the initial screens after hitting Play, fatal problems pertaining to Unreal Engine may appear. Although Heart Machine, the game’s developer, has fortunately offered a potential solution, it does sacrifice some features in return for the game’s functionality.

Heart Machine will probably release an update soon that will formally address this issue with Hyper Light Breaker’s Early Access. However, as long as the start-up crash problem continues, you won’t be able to play the game at all. This glitch, which only affects certain PCs that have downloaded the game, is related to the cloud save feature.

What Is The Start-Up Crash Bug In Hyper Light Breaker?

When you launch Hyper Light Breaker and see the warning “Fatal Error!” you are experiencing the start-up crash bug. You can choose to exit the game right away with this pop-up notification, but you can’t force your way into the main menu. Even if you remove and restore the files from scratch, the white text box will still show up whenever you attempt to start the game.

This problem is thought to be caused by Hyper Light Breaker’s online cooperative features that save data to the cloud. Although playing cooperative games is not directly linked to the bug, several users have complained that the automated save files for online rogue-like runs cause some sort of startup issues.

Only certain players are now able to manipulate the save files when attempting to play Hyper Light Breaker on a PC. To maybe make the game operate upon startup, you can remove the “Breaker” folder from the game’s files when you install it. However, not all PC systems can utilize this method.

How To Fix Hyper Light Breaker Crashing On Start-Up

An official set of guidelines for playing Hyper Light Breaker has been released by Heart Machine in order to prevent crashes during startup. In order to get around the cloud save that is creating the bug when you’re online, you must first play the game in offline mode on Steam. Pressing the Steam menu and selecting the “Go Offline…” command from the drop-down menu will set you to Offline on Steam.

You won’t lose your progress from runs if you stop and restart the game at different points while playing Hyper Light Breaker, even if you’re offline.

The steps developer Heart Machine provides include the following:

  1. Update All The Game Files
  2. Open Steam While Offline
  3. Launch Games You Want To Play Offline
  4. Close Games And Return To Steam
  5. Go To “Security” Tab In Steam Settings
  6. Make Sure “Don’t Save Account Credentials On This Computer” Is Not Selected
  7. Go Offline From The Steam Menu
  8. Launch The Game

You can always visit Heart Machine’s Official X page to learn more about the problem and the actions they’re doing to offer a patch as soon as possible. By starting the game in Offline Mode, you should be able to get beyond the start-up crash issue and see the game’s initial menus.

This hotfix’s only drawback is that it prevents you from playing online with friends while attempting to play offline. Hyper Light Breaker has been giving away free codes occasionally, even if you don’t wish to play the cooperative mode. After resolving the startup crash issue, if you’re still having trouble playing with friends, try these steps:

  1. Start The Game In Offline Mode
  2. While In Offline Mode, Press Alt + Tab To Return To Windows
  3. Go To Steam Again
  4. Go Online Through Steam Menus
  5. Close The Game
  6. Re-Launch The Game While Online

Even while this might not work for everyone, it might be sufficient to break the problem the first time to prevent it from appearing again. Don’t expect this to persist after the official release of Hyper Light Breaker, as the crash on startup error should be fixed soon.

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