How To Get Chromite In Palworld

The Feybreak update for Palworld was just launched, and there is a ton of new stuff to discover. New weapons, raids, buildings, tower bosses, new and updated mechanics, and new pals are all part of the update. The addition of the Feybreak territory to the Sakurajima area has introduced a ton of new materials to harvest as well, including Chromite, as this island is nearly six times as vast as the originally published area. There are a lot of new aspects of the game to discover, particularly in regards to acquiring new things for upgrading Pals and constructing bases.

There are several ways to use some of the more expensive items in Palworld because of the new consumables, equipment, and resources that have been included. The new tough mode can make things more difficult. Players can now locate subterranean metal seams on some islands by using metal detectors, which are an extra item in the game. One of the essential metals in Feybreak is chromite.

How To Find Chromite In Palworld

One of Palworld’s newest farmable resources is chromite. Players must be over Level 56 to utilize the Metal Detector, which is a drawback of this particular metal. When you approach an underground resource, the Metal Detector tags the metal, enabling you to locate buried ores nearby. The Technology Screen is where you may unlock this. You can mine up to 90 pieces of chromite per node, and a node will appear anytime you encounter one in a puff of grayish smoke.

Additionally, you can use Smokie, your new canine friend, who can mine and identify chromite for you. The caverns on Feybreak Island are the finest sites to get Chromite, and you can obtain up to 400 Chromite every node if your Pal is in passive mode and not in its Pal Sphere. It’s also possible to receive Chromite as a reward from the Arrogant Pal Critic, the new NPC.

What are the uses of Chromite in Palword

palworld chromote guide in feybreak update

Despite its seeming lack of utility at first, chromite is a key component of many potent crafting formulas during the game’s later stages. The main application for chromite is in the Hexolite Ore recipe, which calls for five pieces of chromite, twelve pieces of hexolite quartz, and twenty pieces of ore. Hexolite armor, weapons, and even other armory equipment require this. Since it takes a significant quantity of Chromite to fully upgrade, it is important to accumulate as much of the material as you can in Palworld so that you will have enough to finish the set if you decide to upgrade.

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