How to Get Energy Apple in One Piece Odyssey

Energy apple is a healing item use it when your HP is Low.

In One Piece Odessy you will find multiple useable items in Mysterious Island. One such item is Energy Apple. The Energy Apple is a healing item that you can use on any playable character. With one used it will give you a 500 HP boost.

The Energy Apple in One Piece Odessy will help you defeat Del Kong. In this article, we have explained how you can easily get Energy Apple in One Piece Odyssey.

How to Get Energy Apple in One Piece Odyssey

Throughout the game here are three ways to find energy apples. It’s a shiny healing item that you can easily find in Mysterious Islands. These are explained below.

  1. Look on the Ground as in most cases, Energy Apple can be found while wandering on the island.
  2. Get healing items by Defeat the Enemies.
  3. Find it by breaking the Jars, Boxes, and Barrels.