How to Unlock Auction Feature in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet (Bidding & Auction Guide)

You need to unlock the Auction feature in Scarlet and Violet. Why? Because you may collect many items while wandering about Paldea but you can’t get rare items easily. You need to buy them using the in-game shop or through auctions via a bidding process.

You can access the auction location in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet near Porto Marinada. Where you will see multiple shop vendors. Each Vendor has a different item i.e. seaweed, floatzel, etc. that you can buy.

First, you need to participate in the Auction and go through a bidding process with the NPCs. You have to win the Auction in order to get the Item.

Here in this Pokemon auction guide, we have explained how to unlock the Auction in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

How to Unlock Auction in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

To unlock the auction complete the Cascarrafa Gym Test Kofu the Gym Leader.

Gym Test is situated in Porto Marinada so use the fast travel to reach there.

gym test Porto Marinada auction location.

How to Defeat Gym Trainer Hogu in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Once you reach Porto Marinada meet Kofu but Hogu who is Kofu’s student will interrupt you. You need to battle with him to meet Kofu.

How to Defeat Gym Trainer Hogu in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

First, Hogu will use Floatzel Pokemon which has Level 28 make sure to use the Pokémon of a higher level or equal level. You can defeat Floatzel in two moves after that Hogu will use Clauncher Pokemon. Use the good move to defeat Hogu.

You can’t beat Hogu easily so use at least two different Pokemon to defeat him. When you are done defeating him you will get 3500 to 4000 Poke Dollars as a reward. The reward depends on the playstyle and damage taken during the battle.

How to Get Wakame Seaweed to Participate in Bidding

After Defeating Hogu you will see Kofu will come and ask about the situation. There you need to give Kofu Wallet and he will thank you. There he will tell you about the Auction and ask you to complete the test in order to challenge him at the Gym.

Get Wakame Seaweed to Participate in Bidding and unlock the auction

You need to get Wakame Seaweed by participating in the Auction. He will also give you 50000 Poke Dollars. Because the Auction demands a specific amount of money to win it.

Participate in the Auction and compete with other NPCs. The Starting Bid will be 10000 Poke dollars. Don’t make the Higher Bids start with the difference of 5000 Poke Dollars.

The Bid will stop at 35000 Poke Dollars. Get the Wakame Seaweed and give it to the Kofu to complete the test. This will Unlock the Auction Feature.