How To Unlock Cheaper Gear in Hyper Light Breaker

Although you can make the stuff they offer much more affordable, the majority of the equipment in Hyper Light Breaker comes from Hub vendors. You can unlock additional features in these NPC vendors’ shops and lower the prices of their goods by giving them gifts. Making various pieces of equipment less expensive allows you to quickly construct a more powerful build before returning to the Overgrowth.

As you investigate, you’ll see several vendors in the Overgrowth itself. In Hyper Light Breaker, these characters usually trade Bright Blood for powerful equipment, although you never know where vendors will appear in the Overgrowth. Similar to the real world, vendors’ locations will shift between runs, so you can’t build stronger relationships with them.

How Vendor Affinity Works and Why It Matters in Hyper Light Breaker

Improving Vendor Affinity in Hyper Light Breaker

In Hyper Light Breaker, Vendor Affinity is the degree of friendship you have with a vendor. Once you have the necessary resources to open their shops in the Hub world before the Overgrowth, you can unlock these vendor characters. Fortunately, on your first few runs, you can easily get the 12 Materials needed to open both of the stores that aren’t available at the start of the game.

Note: In Hyper Light Breaker, material is a form of cash that you may use to unlock new skills and raise your character’s attributes. You can obtain this material by gathering four Core Shards, which when gathered automatically become a whole Core, or by searching through Stashes.

You may verify a vendor’s products, prices, and affinity when you engage with them. When you lose all of your Rezes, the Overgrowth resets, and the vendor affinity starts at 0 and resets in between Cycles. You only receive four Rezes, or “lives,” thus your affinity for a specific merchant may be revoked far more quickly than you may anticipate.

An NPC with 0 Vendor Affinity will have expensive prices for whatever they sell. During your initial runs, you will need to spend a lot of Bright Blood and Material to acquire various upgrades, weapons, or equipment. But as time passes, you’ll discover more methods to enhance a vendor’s store, including offering them new services and lowering the price of some things.

Top 5 Tips to Make Items Cheaper and Enhance Vendor Shops in Hyper Light Breaker

Top 5 Tips to Make Items Cheaper and Enhance Vendor Shops in Hyper Light Breaker

Anyone can give Gold Rations to any NPC who has a shop to enhance the affinity of their sellers. Any Hub seller will be happy to accept a Gold Ration in Hyper Light Breaker, but this isn’t the case for vendors in the Overgrowth. These gift products serve to both lower the prices of a vendor’s goods and increase the range of services offered by their store.

Usually, you spend Gold Rations to give your character permanent Pherus Bit improvements that last throughout runs. These goods can be obtained by investigating hazardous labs in the Overgrowth and by ranking up after finishing a cycle. Try to donate any spare rations you have to a vendor whose store supplies the things you will most likely need for your next run.

The merchants you use the most for a current character build should be the ones with whom you have a stronger affinity. To develop a melee-focused build, for instance, one should first increase their affinity with the Blades seller in the Hub.

When you increase a vendor’s affinity, you could see improvements to their store like these:

  • Unlock Gear Upgrading
  • All Gear 10% Cheaper
  • One Random Item 10% Off

As you become closer to some NPCs, the advantages of having more vendor affinity only rise. Because it will be simpler to farm Gold Rations in a group, players participating in Hyper Light Breaker’s cooperative multiplayer will be able to see these high-tier affinity bonuses more frequently.

Enhancing your relationship with a merchant is the only way to unlock the opportunity to enhance your equipment. This makes the affinity system far more significant than merely lowering the price of things because it locks some of the strongest setups in the game. When you can improve it with vendors, it’s simpler to acquire dependable equipment, even though Hyper Light Breaker’s rogue-like structure will eventually render some equipment outdated.

You can use the money you earn from a run to pay for other bills after you have more affordable products. Once products are less expensive to purchase from vendors, you can devote more resources to enhancing your character attributes or equipment, enabling you to have far more powerful builds in Hyper Light Breaker.

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