How to Unlock Judge Function in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

The judge function in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet allows players to check the hidden stats of their Pokémon. It will scan each power of your Pokémon you can look at those stats to upgrade Pokemon. The Judge function is not available at the start of the game you need to unlock it in order to use it.

In this guide, we have explained how to unlock Judge Function in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

Judge Function to upgrade Pokémon

The judge function is a feature in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet that allow the players to check the hidden stats of their Pokémon. It will tell you each power of your Pokémon. By looking at those stats you can upgrade them. The Judge function is not available at the start of the game you need to unlock it in order to use it.

Why we need Judge Function

Judge Function will help you in finding stats on which power is more than the other and which stat power you need to increase. We called these stats IVs, you can also increase them by certain items. EV training is used for Pokémon leveling and to increase their stats, we have an in-depth guide on how to do EV training.

How to unlock Judge Function

You have to complete the Full game in order to get the Judge Function. This means you need to unlock Area Zero which is the end game place and there you need to complete the storyline.

Area Zero is full of resources and it will be a useful place after the game ends. You will get the Judge Function after getting the Hall of Fame Badge. After completing the Area Zero Storyline you will meet the director.

unlocking judge function

After talking to the director go to any Poke Center and talk to Nurse Joy there. She will ask you that you have achieved a Hall of Fame Badge and now you are able to use the Judge Function.

How to Use Judge Function

You can press the + Button to use the Function. We use the Judge Function to check the stats of Pokémon which we called IVs. There are a total of six stats of each Pokémon which you can modify according to your play style.

  1. HP
  2. Attack
  3. Defence
  4. Special Attack
  5. Special Defence
  6. Speed
checking stats using judge function

Individual IV Stat Ratings Explained

RatingIndividual Values (IVs)
Very Good26 – 29
Pretty Good16 – 25
Decent1 – 15
No Good0

Now we will tell you the difference between the Five IVs and Six IVs. If you’re Pokémon has six stats it will call a Six IVs Pokémon and if your Pokémon has five stats it will call a Five IVs Pokémon. And it will also tell you the status of highlighted ability.

Like if your Pokémon has speed or power it will highlight the stats. Six and Five IVs Pokémon are high-level Pokémon and usually get from the Tera Raid. You can increase the stats by getting the boost-up items from different stores.