Hyper Light Breaker Currency Guide: How to Use Bright Blood, Medigems, & Abyss Stones

Many different kinds of currency can be collected in the Overgrowth when you go for a run in Hyper Light Breaker. At first, it may be difficult to determine the purpose of each of the several currency sources. Some currencies can be used to purchase essential materials or new equipment during a run, while others are spent back at the Hub.

During its early days, seven kinds of cash were found in different runs. Not all of the money types available in upcoming updates and the game’s final full release are probably included in Hyper Light Breaker’s Early Access. Nevertheless, you will get basic information that will be helpful on multiple run attempts if you grasp what each of the base currencies performs now.

  1. How to Collect and Use Bright Blood in Hyper Light Breaker
  2. How to Find and Spend Material for Gear Upgrades
  3. How to Use Medigems for Healing and Medkit Crafting
  4. How to Unlock Labs and Barriers with Keys
  5. How to Earn and Use Gold Rations for Permanent Upgrades
  6. How to Improve Stats and Abilities with Cores
  7. How to Use Abyss Stones to Unlock Characters and Sycom Stats

How to Collect and Use Bright Blood in Hyper Light Breaker

How to Collect and Use Bright Blood in Hyper Light Breaker

Bright Blood, the most prevalent currency in Hyper Light Breaker, is typically dropped by vanquished creatures in the Overgrowth. As you travel the world, you can also gather this kind of cash by smashing environmental items. As you travel, open every box you come across because some will contain Bright Blood in addition to other little incentives and equipment.

Some of the uses for Bright Blood in Hyper Light Breaker include:

  • Upgrading Current Gear
  • Buying New Items & Gear From Hub Vendors
  • Open Overgrowth Stashes

Tip – One of the few currencies that you largely keep when you die is Bright Blood. Although you will lose your Bright Blood if you lose all four Rezes, you can spend any that you have left at the Hub before losing all of your lives.

You may even rapidly get some Bright Blood by selling your old equipment, which will enable you to upgrade your present setup. Gold Stash chests, which require Bright Blood to open, contain some of the best equipment you may find while running. Bright Blood is one of the most valuable in-game currencies since it is necessary to acquire loot in the Overgrowth and obtain better tools in the Hub.

How to Find and Spend Material for Gear Upgrades

How to Find and Spend Material for Gear Upgrades

Material is another frequent currency that can be found in the Overgrowth’s containers. You can find this resource in chests that you open by using Bright Blood, but mostly in those that have a gem sign on your Overgrowth map. Material can be used to:

  • Purchase Gear From Vendors
  • Upgrade Existing Equipment

You can upgrade your greatest weapons before or during a run by using the Material you earn from selling stuff. You can use the material to upgrade your current equipment or buy better stuff in anticipation of the Overgrowth. Because Material and Bright Blood are so prevalent, you’ll probably encounter them in large quantities during a Hyper Light Breaker Cycle.

How to Use Medigems for Healing and Medkit Crafting

medigem resource description in hyper light breaker

During a run, you can gather Medigems from luminous plants you encounter across the Overgrowth. In addition to providing you with crafting-useful healing shards, these plants also somewhat boost your health after being picked up. Medigems serve as a sort of cash in addition to being a simple environmental healing tool.

You can spend Medigems to do the following:

  • Replenish Your Medkit(s)
  • Craft Medkits Before Your Next Run

You can replenish one Medkit within your capacity by using the Medigems you find at a shrine in the Overgrowth. You must first purchase the Pherus Bit improvement in Hyper Light Breaker, which gives you the ability to have a Medkit Capacity, before you may begin using Medigems to create a Medkit. You can begin using Medigems at Shrines to repair them as soon as you can hold at least one Medkit.

Note: Each time you use Medigems to repair a Medkit, the cost increases the next time you attempt to replenish your healing supply. A Medkit can be restored for five Medigems at the first shrine, but it will cost eight Medigems at the second shrine.

Since it takes three Medigems to construct one Medkit before your next run, you should be farming Medigems frequently. Since Medigems are kept after death, as Bright Blood, possessing more might lead to the Hub crafting more Medkits. It’s worthwhile to use extra Medigems to make a large number of healing supplies before reentering the Overgrowth, provided that you have the capacity for numerous Medkits.

How to Unlock Labs and Barriers with Keys

How to Unlock Labs and Barriers with Keys

While keys might not seem like anything you “spend” in the conventional sense, they are among the rarest forms of money in Hyper Light Breaker. As you explore the Overgrowth, you will find keys in chests you open, but not in the smaller containers you can destroy. There are instances when opening the chests that hold the keys requires Bright Blood, which means you have to spend one currency to get another.

Here are all the different uses for Keys:

  • Open Hidden Labs
  • Disable Barriers In The Overgrowth

In the Overgrowth, barriers may keep you from getting to stashes or other containers holding rare items. During a run, you can find new things and equipment more quickly by using a key to disable obstacles that are preventing you from accessing different types of loot.

Tip – Although enemies can also drop Keys, purchasing an upgrade at the Pherus Bit is the simplest method to obtain one each run. You can start with one Key each time you enter the Overgrowth thanks to one of the upgrades you can buy.

In contrast, labs are subterranean spaces denoted by luminous purple platforms that are occasionally strewn across the overgrowth. Extremely tough foes and far rarer stuff than what you typically obtain on the surface can be found in these hidden lab facilities. You should use Keys to gain entry to Labs for greater treasure that doesn’t cost you any more money if your character is powerful enough.

How to Earn and Use Gold Rations for Permanent Upgrades

How to Earn and Use Gold Rations for Permanent Upgrades

Labs that have been unlocked with keys contain gold rations, which are historical materials that have been preserved. However, you can obtain this cash by doing Cycles if you’re not strong enough to handle the trials of a lab. You complete a cycle when you have used up all of your Rezes, or lives, and provided the Telepad NPC in the Hub with the necessary resources to reset the Overgrowth.

You can begin spending the money on the following items as soon as you make progress toward earning Gold Rations from a finished cycle:

  • Buy Permanent Pherus Bit Upgrades
  • Unlock New Vendor Services

Using Golden Rations to purchase new, permanent character enhancements via the Pherus Bit progression system is the most popular use for them. You can purchase several enhancements, including increased carrying capacity for Medkit or improved Perfect Parry in Hyper Light Breaker, by using the various upgrade Tiers. To obtain greater equipment for the next runs, you can also use Gold Rations to purchase new services from vendors.

How to Improve Stats and Abilities with Cores

How To Maximize & Upgrade Each SyCom Efficiency

Core is another currency that can be found in chests and stashes. It can also be dropped by certain opponents. Typically, you will either acquire a Core or Core Shards, the latter of which is a resource that may be converted into a Core. A single Core can be crafted with four Core Shards, which can be spent similarly to Golden Rations.

Note: Core Shards can be looted from unmarked items on your map or dropped by foes that have the ability to drop prisms. On the other hand, prism foes will be identified by a yellow diamond emblem on your map.

You can spend Cores to:

  • Improve Characters Stats Before Entering The Overgrowth
  • Unlock New Character Abilities

To spend Cores and modify your Sycom stats, choose the “Modify Loadout” option whenever you examine your character’s loadout. By spending Cores, you can increase the special stats of some characters, which will improve your damage, health, and other attributes. Cores are also used to unlock new skills, however purchasing more significant improvements now may cost more money than purchasing additional Cores later.

How to Use Abyss Stones to Unlock Characters and Sycom Stats

Abyss Stones, a unique kind of material dropped exclusively by Crown bosses, are the last money you can obtain in Hyper Light Breaker. These formidable opponents, who are blocked off by gates in the Overgrowth, will pose a bigger threat to you than any other Variant adversary you come across in Labs or other places. You will receive multiple Abyss Stones, which work similarly to Cores if you are successful in defeating a Crown.

Abyss Stones are spent on:

  • Unlocking New Characters
  • Upgrading Sycom Stats

Sycom improvements will start to cost Abyss Stones in addition to Cores as they get more and more costly. The likelihood that you will need to spend Cores and Abyss Stones to obtain an upgrade in a certain state increases with its power. These upgrades will become far more powerful ways to finish runs and defeat bosses once more as you become familiar with various Hyper Light Breaker mechanics.

However, the best way to use Abyss Stones is to unlock new game characters. You can advance through runs in the Overgrowth more quickly by using the special talents and powers that each character possesses. Abyss Stones are maybe the most crucial kind of currency in Hyper Light Breaker, out of all the other kinds, to finish the game’s plot.

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