Invisible Woman in Marvel Rivals: Abilities, Ultimate Guide, and Winning Strategies

One of the most recent additions to the Marvel Rivals cast is Invisible Woman, who serves as a strategist. She is a member of the Fantastic Four’s entire family, which is being added to the game in Season 1. In order to benefit from any team-up benefits and cooperate to win games, players should be able to organize and assemble a complete squad of Fantastic Four characters.

In addition to the new rank and maps that will be added for players who have been loyal since day one, the new Season 1 heroes in Marvel Rivals are all rather intriguing. As more heroes and maps are added, it will be interesting to observe how the different meta levels alter. Some heroes may receive more or less play as time goes on because of upcoming balance updates.

Related: How to Play Mister Fantastic in Marvel Rivals: Tips, Tricks, and Team Strategies

All Invisible Woman Abilities and How They Work

invisible woman unseen force character reveal marvel rivals

Like her original comic book character, Invisible Woman’s talents mostly revolve around her shield and invisibility ability. She has relatively low HP, like many Strategists, but she makes up for it with a variety of health enhancements and ways to move around without getting struck. She seemed to have about 275 HP and 10 ammunition for her primary ability in Early Access. Her difficulty rating is rated at four stars.

Her skills are comparable to those of other Strategists in Marvel Rivals, such as Psylocke and Loki. They all have ways to navigate about the map without being noticed, even though they all feel distinct and stay loyal to their character design. Furthermore, Cloak’s shielding skills are quite comparable to those of Invisible Woman, so if you enjoy any of the aforementioned characters, you will also enjoy this one.

Below are all of her abilities that are known so far:

Ability NameButton (PC/PS5)Description
Basic Attack – Orb ProjectionLeft-Click/R2Create a force field that can pierce heroes, travel as far as possible, and then return to Invisible Woman to harm adversaries and heal allies.
Ultimate – Invisible BoundaryQ/L3+R3Create an invisible force field in a designated region to make friends invisible to adversaries and to grant Healing Over Time. The field slows down enemy traffic.
Psionic VortexLShift/L1When you collect psionic energy and cast it, it erupts into a psychic vortex that continuously attracts foes and deals damage when you strike a target, scene, or press the LShift/L1 key again.
Force PhysicsE/R1To push or pull adversaries in front of you, manipulate psychic energy.
Agile StrikeV/R3Launch foes in front of you with a three-hit combo.
Veiled StepSpace/XCreate a force field beneath you; walking on it will send you into the Invisible State.
Guardian ShieldRight-Click/L2In front of a chosen ally, create a force shield. In addition to blocking damage, the shield can give allies in the vicinity Healing Over Time. Passing through the shield slows down enemies.
Passive – Covert AdvanceAfter you’ve disengaged from combat, you can enter the Invisible state and give yourself Healing Over Time.
Team-Up (Passive) – Fantasti-ForceThe entire Fantastic Four team is strengthened when the Invisible Woman uses her abilities to channel Psionic Might. Mister Fantastic is strengthened by this powerful force, which also gives him damage resistance. They can continuously produce Bonus Health once they are activated, making up for lost Health as time goes on.

There are many methods to support your team, as you can see. As is rather common with many of these moves, the team-up moves in Marvel Rivals will only be useful for the other members of the Fantastic Four. Fortunately, a lot of people will probably want to start a family, especially around the beginning of the season.

How to Use Invisible Woman’s Ultimate Effectively

How to Use Invisible Woman’s Ultimate Effectively

Unlike some others, Invisible Woman’s Ultimate is easier to handle. It’s known as Invisible Boundary, and it creates a powerful forcefield that covers and heals the other players on your squad. Even with her higher difficulty score, using it is not as difficult as using the Ultimate, such as Loki, so even novice players may figure it out quite easily.

Your Ultimate will ask you to confirm if you simply press Q or its controller equivalent. This gives you a slightly better aim for the boundary’s intended path, but it will produce around that path. You will only perceive a barrier on the ground when you are inside. It will resemble a huge wall from the outside.

Within your border, other players will begin to recover quickly. Additionally, players on the other team won’t be able to see them. This gives everyone a little respite and is probably most effective when you are protecting a particular place instead of moving, as in a convoy assignment.

Best Team Compositions for Invisible Woman in Marval Rivals

When assembling your squad, there are additional factors to take into account, even if the other members of the Fantastic Four will be the obvious choice. The game’s design frequently prevents you from choosing the type of squad you want to assemble. In Marvel Rivals, on the other hand, you can influence the team in one direction or another thanks to its impressive cast of characters.

Invisible Woman will be a great partner for team members with high damage but low HP. It will also be beneficial for anyone who can use sitting behind a shield to deal high damage. Since he can position his turret behind a shield and remain safe, Punisher is the greatest option that springs to mind. Venom, a Vanguard character with a lot of HP already, would be excellent. With Groot, who can add his walls to the shields, this is much more beneficial.

This team composition would end up something like this:

Although Cloak is a powerful healer as well, you might replace Cloak & Dagger with a more potent Duelist using the current composition described here. Although this team is more evenly distributed, Invisible Woman might be able to sustain it by herself. Another benefit of Cloak & Dagger in Marvel Rivals is that, should Invisible Woman be responsible for keeping everyone alive, they can remain damaged while still being adaptable enough to assist when necessary.

Pro Tips and Strategies for Winning with Invisible Woman

The most important thing to remember is that Invisible Woman does not need to wait for a cooldown in order to transfer her Guardian Shield from one character to another. This implies that you must pay close enough attention to determine who requires assistance. You can put it on a character who is still with the escort in Convoy mode.

Your basic move also allows you to heal your companions and inflict damage on the opponent in a single move. Since it only heals when it passes your teammates on the way back to you, you will want to maintain a safe distance behind your tank-like friends. One of the greatest healing moves is your Ultimate, which rapidly restores everyone to full HP, slows down any enemies that cross the barrier, and turns your friends invisible.

Remember that the Ultimate move is significantly more effective when you can remain still. In a more stationary battle, Invisible Woman might be slightly more effective than she is in a Convoy operation. If adversaries are collected together, you can utilize the Psionic Vortex to trap them, and you can use your Force Physics to push them away from anything you are attempting to defend.

Before you disengage and retreat back behind your allies to keep them healthy in Marvel Rivals, it’s important to remember that you have a lot of possible combos with your Invisible status. For example, the Agile Strike can be a great way to take advantage of the Covert Advance’s ability to heal you while Invisible, the Veiled Step’s ability to move you closer to the enemy without them seeing you, and more.

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