All Lego Batman 2 Cheat Codes for Xbox, PC, & PlayStation

Looking for Lego Batman 2 Cheat Codes for consoles and PCs? Well, if you’re revisiting this game on your Xbox console (or playing for the first time) and are searching for Lego Batman 2 Cheat Codes, we have just the list for you.

Apart from providing the cheats, we’ll also tell you how to use Lego Batman 2 cheats. These cheats are for Xbox 360, PC, and PlayStation 3.

How to Use Cheats in Lego Batman 2?

How to Use Cheats in Lego Batman 2

To use cheat codes in this game, you need to complete the following steps:

  • Pause the game.
  • Click on Extras.
  • Select Enter Code.
  • Add a code from the list above.
  • This will enable the cheat code and give you the relevant unlocks!

All Lego Batman 2 Cheat Codes

Make sure to use these Lego Batman 2 cheats exactly as shown so that they can work perfectly and give you the desired results.

Lego Batman 2 Cheat Codes For Xbox 360

Here are all the Lego Batman 3 cheats for Xbox 360.

Cheat CodeWhat you can unlock
MNZER6 Attract Studs
ZHAXFH Beep Beep
TPJ37TCharacter Studs
4LGJ7TExtra Hearts
7TXH5KExtra Toggle
TPGPG2Fall Rescue
MBXW7VGold Brick Finder
LRJAG8Minikit Finder
RYD3SJPeril Finder
5KKQ6G Red Brick Finder
ZXEX5DRegenerate Hearts
74EZUTStuds x 2
JN2J6VSuper Build
JXN7FJVine Grapples
9ZZZBPClown Goon
ZQA8MKMime Goon
Q285LKRiddler Goon
95KPYJTwo-Face Goon
C79LVHHarley Quinn’s Motorbike

Lego Batman 2 Cheat Codes For PC

Here are all the Lego Batman 2 Cheat Codes for PC.

Cheat CodeWhat you can unlock
MNZER6Attract Studs
ZHAXFH Beep Beep
TPJ37T Character Studs
4LGJ7T Extra Hearts
7TXH5KExtra Toggle
TPGPG2Fall Rescue
MBXW7VGold Brick Finder
LRJAG8Minikit Finder
RYD3SJ Peril Finde Peril Finder
5KKQ6G Red Brick Finder
ZXEX5D Regenerate Hearts
74EZUTStuds x 2
JN2J6VSuper Build
JXN7FJVine Grapples
9ZZZBP Clown Goon
ZQA8MKMime Goon
Q285LKRiddler Goon
95KPYJ Two-Face Goon
C79LVH Harley Quinn’s Motorbike

Lego Batman 2 Cheat Codes PS3

Here are all the Lego Batman 2 cheats for PlayStation 3. You can easily use them and can enjoy the game.

Cheat CodeWhat you can unlock
MNZER6Attract Studs
ZHAXFH Beep Beep
TPJ37T Character Studs
4LGJ7T Extra Hearts
7TXH5KExtra Toggle
TPGPG2Fall Rescue
MBXW7VGold Brick Finder
LRJAG8Minikit Finder
RYD3SJ Peril Finde Peril Finder
5KKQ6G Red Brick Finder
ZXEX5D Regenerate Hearts
74EZUTStuds x 2
JN2J6VSuper Build
JXN7FJVine Grapples
9ZZZBP Clown Goon
ZQA8MKMime Goon
Q285LKRiddler Goon
95KPYJ Two-Face Goon
C79LVH Harley Quinn’s Motorbike

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