How To Make a Human in Little Alchemy 2

Here are steps to make a human.

As an alchemist, you can also make a human in Little Alchemy 2. Although there are 190 combinations to make a human they are long and take time.

In this article, we have mentioned the simple recipe to make a human in Little Alchemy 2. Read our guide for All Little Alchemy 2 cheats

How To Make A Human In Little Alchemy 2

You cannot make human rather there are several steps. First, you need to make Clay in Little Alchemy 2.

  • Follow steps 1 to 4 to make clay.
  • Then you need to make Life for that and apply steps 5 to 12.
  • Lastly, combine Clay and Life to create a Human.
  1. Air + Air = Pressure
  2. Earth + Pressure = Stone
  3. Water + Earth = Mud
  4. Mud + Stone = Clay
  5. Water + Water = Puddle
  6. Water + Puddle = Pond
  7. Water + Pond = Lake
  8. Water + Lake = Sea
  9. Fire + Earth = Lava
  10. Lava + Sea = Primordial Soup
  11. Earth + Lava = Volcano
  12. Volcano + Primordial Soup = Life
  13. Life + Clay = Human

All Possible Human Recipes In Little Alchemy 2

There are many other ways to create humans. For example:

  • Clay + Life = Human
  • Animal + Time = Human
  • Animal + Tool = Human
  • Monkey + Time = Human
  • Monkey + Tool = Human

Possible Uses For Human In Little Alchemy 2

Humans can be used to create many things. Most of them involve a job. For example, combining Humans and Dough will create a Baker.

  • Human + Wolf = Werewolf
  • Human + Blood = Vampire
  • Human + Elixir of Life = Deity
  • Human + Faerie = Changeling
  • Human + Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide