Saints Row The Third cheats can be used to spice up a game that is already pretty spicy. following is the list of all Saints Row: The Third Remastered cheats.
From getting a hundred thousand dollars to summon vehicles, and weapons, change the weather, and even the crazy ones like turning people into zombies.
Apart from providing cheats, we’ll also guide you on how to enable cheats in Saints Row: The Third Remastered. Here are all the codes you need to know.
How Enable Saints Row The Third Cheats?
Inputting these cheat codes in Saints Row 3 is simple. Just follow the below steps.
- In-game, pull up your cell phone (Tab on keyboard, Back button on Xbox controller).
- Select Extras and then Cheats.
- That’s right—there’s a dedicated cheats menu.
- Select Cheats, click Add Cheats, and then type in one of the cheat codes below and click Accept.
Before you jump to the list of cheat codes, keep in mind that trophies and Auto-saves are disabled when you are using cheats in Saints Row: The Third Remastered. But you can save your game manually.
Saints Row: The Third Remastered God Mode Cheat
There is one single cheat code that will enable God Mode in Saints Row: The Third Remastered. The cheat will remain active for approximately ten to twenty minutes during the gameplay.
You will instantly unlock Level 50 and earn 5 Million dollars instantly. You can enter the character ability section of the game and buy everything.
The cheat is what it means to me, remember you will get max powers but still you can die if you are crash-driving a normal car or aircraft or get run over by another vehicle.
Saints Row: The Third Remastered Cheat Codes
Here’s the list of all the cheat codes for Saints Row: The Third Remastered. This includes unlocking instantly money, unlocking all weapons, increasing stamina, repairing vehicles, etc. You will be using these cheat codes regularly in the game.
Cheat codes | Cheat Effect |
cheese | Get $100,000. |
goldengun | Unlock on hit kill Golden Gun. |
letsrock | Unlock all Weapons. |
runfast | Unlock Infinite Sprint. |
vroom | Disable vehicle damage. |
repaircar | Repair damaged car instantly. |
pissoffpigs | Add police notoriety. |
goodygoody | No police notoriety |
lolz | Add gang notoriety. |
oops | No gang notoriety. |
whatitmeanstome | Get Respect. |
notrated | Everyone that was killed will explode into a bloody mess. |
Gameplay Cheat Codes
Here is some cheat code that will help you modify the gameplay or bring changes to the world. For example, you can turn pedestrians into Zombies, make them drunk, etc.
Cheat codes | Cheat Effect |
brains | Turn pedestrians into Zombies. |
notrated | Activate Bloody Mess, whenever you kill anyone he will explode. |
fryhole | Activate Heaven Bound, and corpses rise. |
dui | Drunk pedestrians. |
mascot | Mascot pedestrians. |
isquishyou | Vehicles smash into each other. |
hohoho | Pedestrians either become a pimp or a prostitute. |
Weather Cheat Codes
Here are some cheats to modify the weather in the game. Turn sunny to cloudy or summon heavy rain.
Cheat codes | Cheat Effect |
clearskies | Sunny Weather. |
overcast | Cloudy Weather. |
lightrain | Rainy Weather. |
heavyrain | Heavy Rain. |
Weapon Cheat Codes
Below is the list of weapon cheat codes, just type in and you will unlock the weapon of your choice. You can also specifically call up each weapon using the cheat.
Cheat codes | Cheat Effect |
Apocafists, a custom fit that makes anyone explode when punched. | Apocafists, a custom fist that makes anyone explode when punched. |
givecyber | Unlocks Spawn Cyber Buster cannon with unlimited ammo. |
giveflamethrower | Unlock Flamethrower. |
givercgun | Unlock RC Possessor, use this weapon to take control of vehicles. |
givedrone | Unlock Reaper Drone. |
giveshield | Unlock Riot Shield. |
giverpg | Unlock RPG Launcher. |
giveairstrike | Unlock SA-3 Airstrike. |
givesonic | Unlock Sonic Boom. |
giveslm8 | Unlock Viper Laser Rifle. |
givesword | Unlock Nocturne, the sword. |
givesheperd | 45 Sheperd |
givekobra | KA-1 Kobra |
givear55 | AR 55 |
giveultimax | AS3 Ultimax |
givekrukov | K-8 Krukov |
giveminigun | Mini Gun |
givebaseball | Baseball |
givechainsaw | Chainsaw |
givestungun | Stun Gun |
givecybersmg | Spawn Cyber Blaster |
giveblossom | D4TH Blossom |
givetek | TEK Z-10 |
giveelectric | Electric Grenade. |
giveflashbang | Flash Bang |
givelauncher | GL G20 Grenade Launcher. |
givegrenade | Grenade. |
givemolotov | Molotov. |
givesatchel | Satchel Charge Explosive. |
giverocket | Shock Hammer |
givedigger | Grave Digger |
givehammer | S3X Hammer Advanced Shotgun. |
givesniper | McManus 2015 |
Vehicle Cheat Codes
Want to summon any vehicle you want then here is the list of all vehicle cheat codes for Saints Row: The Third Remastered. You can unlock more than 35 vehicles using the cheat codes below. Just type in and the drive will be right in front of you.
Cheat codes | Cheat Effect |
giveattrazione | Attrazione. |
givebootlegger | Bootlegger. |
givephoenix | Phoenix. |
giveknoxville | Knoxville Golf Cart. |
givepeacemaker | Peacemaker Police car. |
givestatusquo | Status Quo is one of the fastest cars in the game. |
givetitan | Titan Armored Car. |
givevortex | Vortex |
givequasar or givesquasar | Car. |
givereaper | Hearse Van. |
givetaxi | Taxi. |
givetoad | ATV. |
giveestrada | Estrada. |
givekaneda | Kaneda. |
givekaneda | Kenshin. |
givesandstorm | Sandstorm Dirt Bike. |
givespecter | Specter Jet Bike. |
givewidowmaker | Scooter |
giveambulance | Ambulance. |
giveanchor | Anchor. |
givegatmobile | Gatmobile. Large van with a giant Johnny Gat Head on the front. |
givemunicipal | Municipal Garbage Truck. |
givechallenger | Challenger (Tank). |
givenforcer | Nforcer. |
givecommander | Commander. |
givemiami | Miami. |
giveshark | Jetski |
givecondor | Condor. |
giveeagle | Eagle. |
givetornado | Tornado. |
givevultur | Vulture. |
givevtol | F69 Vtol Jet Plane. |
givewoodpecker | Woodpecker. |