Why Should You Choose “Search Google Or Type A URL”

Here we have explained search Google or type a URL meaning.

When you open Google Chrome, you see a search bar. In it, you can see “Search Google or Type a URL” a default text that appears on a google search bar (also known as Omnibox). It gives two options to a user to search for their desired website.

The text on Google Omnibox indicates that you can either directly search information by writing a keyword or typing a URL, but you must be thinking what’s the difference between the two and should I search google or type a URL?

Here is all you need to know about Google search engines and what you should prefer.

What is “Search Google or Type a URL”
search google or type a URL

“Search Google or Type URL in Google Canary”

Now you also get the feature of “Search Google or Type a URL” in Google Canary 36 which is an experimental version of Google Chrome and is used to test new ideas.

Canary 36 buries the URL amongst the top-level domain name and when you surf through the website you only see the website name. However, you can still see the full URL, you only need to:

  • On the domain name, click an Origin chip button
  • To activate the button type chrome://flags/#origin-chip-in-omnibox in the Omnibox.
  • Now click on the domain to edit it. 

It not only simplifies the web address but also creates a sub-field to the right that offers a “Search Google or type a URL” option.

Google Canary 36
chrome canary, “search google or type URL”

Using the “Search Google” Option

For easy access to information, google chrome allows web indexing. Whatever information you want to get you can simply type the related keyword and google will show you the list of the related websites.

You can surf through the search engine result page (SERPs) and open your desired one.

For example, if you want to convert your word file to a pdf format and you need some convertor. All you do is to go to google and utilize the “Search google option” and type a keyword pdf converter.

Google will show you a list of related items, you can open any of the pdf converters and get your job done. 

Using the “Search Google” Option

Hence, the “Search Google” option only requires a keyword and it’s effective when you are searching for something new and you do not know or remember the exact website.

Using the “Type A URL” Option

If you know the exact website you want to go to, then the easiest and time-saving way to access the website is to type its URL and skip the browsing the google library part.

All you need to do for this is to know the URL of the website. It gets, even more, easier through the Google site search option. You can follow the site:www.cputemper.com format rather than typing the entire URL and accessing the website.

Moreover, some websites have lightweight URLs that are also easy to access. Like instead of typing http://www.facebook.com you can type fb.com.

Also rather than entering an entire Url like www.pinteret.com, you can type pinterest.com and you will be directly redirected to the Pinterest website.

The prefixes www. And HTTP://is optional and now you can skip them while typing a URL. 

Hence, if you need a specific result, you can enter a URL and save your time and the internet. However, sometimes you may not access the website by entering its URL, it is because the website is not yet ranked in the optimization index, or is breaching the policy. 

So Should I Choose “Search Google Or Type A URL”

After reading the article you might have already made the decision about what you should prefer, Search Google or Type A URL.

You can prefer any one of them based on your need. If you don’t know the exact website, search keyword on google however if you want to search for a specific website, save your time and enter a URL in an address bar of Google Chrome.

It’s entirely based on your need and the information you have about the website.