Subnautica: Below Zero has a plethora of cheats and console commands that might be helpful to players. Whether it be spawning items, moving in ways players aren’t supposed to be able to, or turning off certain monster attacks, players can modify the game in a way that makes it easier to play through.
Cheats will disable the ability to gain achievements, so if that’s important to you then we advise against using them. You can always create a separate cheat file if you want to play around and not harm your main save.
How to Activate the cheats in Subnautica: Below Zero
Console Commands are an optional feature and are not enabled by default. To activate it, you need to press F3, and a checkbox will appear in the top left corner of the screen.

You’ll need to uncheck the Disable Console. To do this press F8 to make a mouse cursor appear, and then uncheck the box. Hit F3 again to close the window.
How to use cheats and console commands in Subnautica: Below Zero
Players on PC who wish to use cheats or console commands in Subnautica: Below Zero can press shift and enter at the same time to open up the console commands. Those on Xbox or PlayStation will need to hit certain buttons at the same time as well.
For Xbox, it’s the A button plus the left and right bumper, and on PlayStation, it’s the X button plus the left and right trigger.
For Nintendo Switch users, these cheats are disabled on this device.
Complete List of Subnautica Below Zero Console Commands
Here is a complete list of Subnautica Below Zero cheat codes & console commands.
Basic Instruction
[NAME] | Represents a variable text input that depends on the command. |
[#] | Represents a number value of the player’s choice. |
[x] [y] [z] | Represent coordinates. [x] East & West [y] Altitude [z] North & South |
General Console Commands
Cheat Codes | Cheat Effect |
item [NAME] [#] | Adds a specified amount of a certain item to the player’s inventory. The default number is one. Example: item copper 5 will add 5 Copper to the player’s inventory. |
spawn [NAME] [#] | Spawns a specified amount of a certain object in front of the player. The default number is one. Example: spawn spinner fish 5, spawns 5 Spinner Fish in front of the player. |
baseflood [#] | Floods all player-built seabases to a designated percentage (meaning water level). 0 means not flooded and 1 means completely flooded. |
bobthebuilder | This enables the following: fast build, unlock all, no cost, fast grow, fast hitch It also adds a Habitat Builder, Scanner, Survival Knife, and Repair Tool to the player’s inventory. |
bubbles | Spawns several air bubbles around the player. |
charge [#] | Charges all batteries in inventory to a given percentage. 0 means completely uncharged and 1 means fully charged. |
clearinventory | Wipes everything in the inventory. |
cold | Toggles the cold effect on the player. |
damage [#] | Sets universal damage multiplier to player’s choice. |
damagebase | Breaches all Seabases. |
dig [#] | Removes all terrain around the player in a sphere with a diameter of # meters (max value: 100). This command can put a severe strain on the gameplay performance. |
ency [NAME] | Unlocks a specific database entry. Example: ency triops will unlock the Triop entry. Doing ency all will give the player all of the data bank entries, even ones not acquirable in-game yet. |
fastbuild | Allows the player to build modules quickly with the Habitat Builder. |
fastgrow | Plantable flora will grow within a few moments when placed in any type of planter. |
fasthatch | Eggs will hatch within a few moments after being placed in an Alien Containment. |
fastscan | Reduces the scanning time when using the Scanner. |
fastswim | Toggles fast swim mode, which allows you to gain a large speed boost while holding Left Shift. |
filterfast | Reduces the time Water Filtration Machines take to filter. |
filtersalt | Causes every Water Filtration Machine on the map to instantly fabricate Salt. |
filterwater | Causes every Water Filtration Machine on the map to instantly fabricate a Large Filtered Water. |
freedom | Changes the game mode |
creative | Changes the game mode |
survival | Changes the game mode |
hardcore | Changes the game mode |
freeze | Freezes all small fish |
freezeplayer | Freezes the player |
goal [NAME] [NAME] | Triggers the desired Story Goal. There are four types of goals: PDA, Radio, Encyclopedia, and Story. To use the command, write the type of goal as the first parameter and the name of the story goal as the second parameter. Usage: goal pda helloworld |
goalreset [NAME] | Unchecks a given Story Goal. Uses the same Story Goals as the goal command. |
hoverbikevariant1 | Changes spawned Snowfoxes to variant 1, meaning they have infinite boosts and increased jump height. |
hoverbikevariant2 | Changes all spawned Snowfoxes to variant 2, meaning they have infinite boost and increased jump height |
hypnosison | Enables the Lily Paddler’s hypnosis effect. |
hypnosisoff | Disables the Lily Paddler’s hypnosis effect. |
icewormhuntmodeoff | Turns off Ice Worm hunt mode |
icewormhuntmodeon | Turns on Ice Worm hunt mode |
instagib | Toggles instagib mode, which allows to player to one-hit kill all killable creatures. |
invisible | Creatures will ignore the player completely. |
kill | Respawns the player instantly inside the drop pod. |
launchrocket | Forces the Exchanger Rocket to launch. |
noblueprints | Allows the player to play with all blueprints unlocked. |
nobubbles | Disables the player’s breath bubbles. |
nocost | Toggles unlimited, free use of the Fabricator, Habitat Builder, Mobile Vehicle Bay, Vehicle Upgrade Console, and Modification Station whether the player has the required items or not. |
nodamage | Toggles Damage |
noenergy | Toggles power usage for all vehicles, tools as well as the Seabases. |
nohints | Toggles game hints |
nopressure | Toggles pressure effects on Seabases and Vehicles. |
nosurvival | Disables the player’s Food & Water requirements and removes sustenance value on items. Only applicable for Survival and Hardcore modes. |
ongoal [NAME] | Completes a specified Story Goal. |
oxygen | Gives the player an unlimited supply of oxygen. |
resetmotormode | Forces the player into swim mode while in an underwater Architect Base. |
resourcesfor [NAME] | Provides resources for any specific craftable items. Example: resourcesfor knife will give the player Silicone Rubber and Titanium. |
rotfood | Rots all the food in the player’s inventory. |
schoolfishrepulsedbyplayer | Toggles shoals fleeing from the player. |
seaglide | Spawns an unpowered Seaglide in front of the player. |
shotgun | Toggles shotgun mode, which allows the player to kill creatures by right-clicking on them. |
startexchangerquest | Warps the player to the Exchanger Rocket and gives you a Repair Tool and two Coffee Americanos. |
story [NAME] | Advances the current story to a designated point. These go in place of [NAME]: sendenzyme marg1 sanctuary skipintro radiorepair researchnotes colleaguepda frozencreature radiosalvage collectenzyme |
story help [NAME] | Shows the help description for the given story command. |
supplydrop [NAME] | Initiates a certain drop. If you only type supplydrop you get everything These go in place of [NAME]: drop_bioscannersuppydrop droplifepod precursorscan_level_1 precursorscan_level_2 supplydropforbase log_buildersupplydrop log_vesper_7 log_dropdepthupgrade2 briefing-disabled log_spypenguinsupplydrop testdrop testsupplydrop2 test3 |
supplydropall | Shows the list of supply drops. |
takedamage [#] | Damages player’s health % amount equal to value. Max’s health is 100%. |
unfreeze | Unfreezes all small fish. |
unfreezeplayer | Unfreezes the player. |
unlock [NAME] | Unlocks a specific blueprint. Example: unlock solarpanel unlocks Solar Panels. |
unlockall | Unlocks all blueprints. |
unlockallbuildables | Unlocks every blueprint used by the Habitat Builder. |
unlockdoors | Unlocks all forcefields in Architect Bases. |
Item Console Commands
Cheat Codes | Cheat Effect |
eggs | Gives the player every creature egg in the game. |
exosuitarms | Gives the player every Prawn Suit arm. |
exosuitupgrades | Gives the player every Prawn Suit upgrade. |
hatchingtime | Gives the player a Seaglide, three Ion Cubes, a Rebreather, Fins, a Lightweight High Capacity Tank, and Hatching Enzymes. |
madloot | Gives the player a Survival Knife, Habitat Builder, Scanner, 3x Battery, 4x Computer Chip, 10x Titanium, and 10x Glass. |
niceloot | Gives the player an Ultra High Capacity Tank, one Metal Salvage, one Quartz, one Copper Ore, one Lead, one Mercury Ore, a Rebreather, a Reinforced Dive Suit, one Salt Deposit, one Gold, one Crystalline Sulfur, one Silver Ore, a Stasis Rifle, a Stillsuit, a Radiation Suit, a Compass, a Standard O₂ Tank, a Uraninite Crystal, one Cave Sulfur, one Kyanite, one Diamond, one Nickel Ore, one Lithium, one Table Coral Sample, one Ruby, one Coral Tube Sample, one Magnetite, and one Stalker Tooth. |
precursorkeys | Gives the player one of each color precursor key. |
seatruckupgrades | Gives the player every Seatruck upgrade. |
spawnloot | Spawns Quartz, Copper Ore, Content Magnesium, Salt Deposit, Gold, and 4x Metal Salvage. |
tools | Gives the player a Propulsion Cannon, Survival Knife, Flashlight, Habitat Builder, Air Bladder, Pathfinder Tool, Scanner, Repair Tool, Laser Cutter, Flare, and Light Stick. |
vehicleupgrades | Gives the player all upgrades |
item jukeboxdisksall | Drops a single Jukebox Disk that allows the player to unlock all the Jukebox tracks. |
Technical Console Commands
Cheat Codes | Cheat Effect |
cambob | Toggles camera bobbing. |
camerabobbing | Toggles camera bobbing. |
camshake | Initiates a camera shake. |
collect | Performs a garbage collection script. |
debughoverbike | Toggles the Snowfox debug menu. Only visible while riding a Snowfox. |
debugmusic | Lists music currently playing, if one is playing. |
debugstartmap | Places 1000 black cubes in the starting area. |
entreset | Resets all loaded entities. |
farplane [#] | Changes your viewing distance. 1000 is the default. |
fog | Toggles in-game fog. |
fps | Shows FPS. |
freecam | Allows you to freely leave your character and roam the terrain, even fly through solid objects. Use the command again to go back to your character. WARNING: Very sensitive movements, cannot open menu or inventory while in freecam. DO NOT use while seated in/on a chair or vehicle, this will make an irreversible bug, forcing you to reload to your last save in order to fix it. ) To manipulate freecam movement, use shift to accelerate. Pressing the numbers 1-5 also changes the speed at which you move. |
gamereset | Resets the terrain. WARNING! Do not use commands while you are inside of a vehicle |
ghost | Same as freecam, except player model is teleported to camera position when canceled rather than vice versa. Very useful for making size references. |
iceworm | Forces all spawned Ice Worms to start their ground-exit animation, wait a few seconds, and subsequently return to the ground. |
interpolate | Toggles interpolation of player movement. |
killvehicle | Makes all Seatrucks and their modules explode. |
limitshadow [#] | Limits shadows to a certain radius around the player. |
listambience | Lists all ambiance files implemented in the game, as well as the biome ID they are associated with. |
listmusic | Lists all music files implemented in the game, as well as the biome ID they are associated with. |
nobloom | Removes bloom. Game restart needed to re-apply. |
noshadows | Removes shadows. Game restart needed to re-apply. |
pcannon | It gives all objects that can be picked up by the propulsion cannon a blue glow, similar to the effect while scanning an object. |
printbiome | Shows on the screen what biome the player is currently in. |
rib | Toggles background running for the game. |
scene [NAME] | Loads a scene based on the NAME parameter. |
sizeref | Spawns the “Wasabi One” diver. Can be used as a size reference. Must be looking at the terrain. |
skiptrack | Ends the current playing track and moves on to the next. |
spikeytraphunt | Forces all spawned Spike Traps into hunting mode. |
spikeytraprest | Forces all spawned Spike Traps into resting mode. |
target | Toggles target debug. |
targetframerate [#] | Sets maximum game framerate. |
techtype [NAME] | Prints the tech type for a given name. |
vranim | Toggles VR animations. |
vsync | Toggles VSync. |
weathergui | Toggles the weather debug GUI. |
Teleport Console Commands
Cheat Codes | Cheat Effect |
biome [NAME] | Teleports the player to a specific Biome. Example: biome shallowtwistybridges, teleports the player to the Shallow Twisty Bridges. |
goto [NAME] | Teleports the player to a specific location. Example: goto rocket, teleports the player to the Communications Tower at the top of Delta Island. |
warp [x] [y] [z] | Warps the player to the coordinates of their choice. Example: warp 1 1 1 |
batch [x] [y] [z] | Warps the player to the center of a batch of their choice |
chunk [x] [y] [z] | Teleports the player to the chunk of their choice. |
gotofast [NAME] | Same as the goto command, except teleports the player instead of moving them quickly. |
gotospam | Teleports the player between two locations until the game is exited or the Teleports the player between two places until the game is exited or the goto stop command is used. |
gotostop | If the player has used gotospam, this stops the loop. |
spawnnearby | Teleports the player half a meter in a random direction. Good for getting unstuck. Does not work while in vehicles. |
warpforward [#] | Warps the player forward by [#] meters. Does not work while in vehicles. |