The Outer Worlds Console Commands

You can use Outer Worlds Console Commands to get various rewards and perks in the game. You can also use these console commands to unlock and use God Mode. So, let’s find out all about the Cheat Codes for Outer World.

How to Enable Command Console in The Outer Worlds?

Before starting the gameplay and using console commands on your PC, you’ll need to download SunBeam’s Unlocker tool on the computer and install it. Additionally, you’ll also be required to use the sunbeamFRF password to unlock and extract the compressed zip file. Once done, you’ll need to unpack the files from the below folder location:

Epic Games/TheOuterWorlds/Indiana/Binaries/Win64

Next, you’ll need to run The Outer Worlds and launch the main menu. Press the Alt + Tab keys and launch the IGCInjector.exe file from the Win64 folder. Once done, close the .exe file and press ~ to open up the console.

The Outer Worlds Console Commands

The Outer Worlds console commands.

Below is the list of all the console commands of the outer world that you need to know.

Cheat Codes Cheat Effect
AddCurrency (enter number) 1Add Currency
AddItemDebug <ItemID>Add items
fov (enter value)Change FOV
QuestStart <questname>Start a quest 
QuestComplete <questname>Mark a quest as complete
QuestStart PassionFix for the bugged “Passion Pills” quest
DebugUnlockCompanion 4If you want to skip the quest and get the companion, use this
godInfinite HP
 pausePause the game
ShowHUD commandHUD toggle
SetLevelIncrease your character’s level
 PerkPointsAddIncrease your perks
PerkPurchaseAdd a perk
PerkRemoveRemove a perk
RpgStatAddModifierDebug <stat> <value>Change your stats
SaveGame bIgnoreSuperNova 1 0Create a new save file, even when playing on Supernova difficulty 
SetArmorLevel <level> 1Set your armor level
SetWeaponLevel <level> 1Set your weapon level 
ShowHUDToggle the HUD
TeleportTransport the player to wherever the camera is aiming 

This is everything you need to know about all the working Outer Worlds Console Commands.

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