Write for US

Want to share your engaging content with our active audience? Do you have a hot topic, tips, or unique insights you think will get people talking?

The CPUTemper is your go-to guide for modern-day technology. Solve the tech problems, use tech and gadgets using our troubleshooting tips.

Write For Us at CPUTemper.com

We are looking for authors, who have expert knowledge in explaining the tech solutions.

  • We like relevant, well-researched posts (1000+ words) with actionable tips.
  • Your post should be 100% original and unpublished.
  • The topic should be well-researched.
  • The best blog posts include examples, so add relevant images to illustrate your point. Try to avoid stock photos that don’t add any value to the copy.

Technology Topics: We Cover

Our blog aims to help users who use Windows PC accessories or play computer games and are dealing with errors, working problems, or want to use them better.

What You Can Write

  • How-To’s and Tutorials
  • Top 10 Best (List Articles)
  • Windows Troubleshooting, Tips and Tricks
  • Mac Troubleshooting, Tips and Tricks
  • Android, iOS Fixes and Tips
  • Game Consoles Problems and Errors Troubleshooting.

Ready to Write For Us?

Great! Just submit your topic idea with an outline to our email address

We will review it and if we think it’s the right fit, we’ll be in touch to discuss the next steps and anything else we need to publish your post.

Website Content Guidelines

Are you interested in creating compelling content that users will promote by sharing? You can create compelling content that other people want to promote by linking to it or sharing it.

Content is the information and experiences targeted toward an audience.
SEO content writing is always user-focused. So, write to the right people in the right way.
Start Writing Content for Users first and for Google later.

4 Elements of Content

  1. Title (SEO Title)
  2. Excerpt (Meta Description)
  3. Intro (App Description)
  4. Main Content (App Review)

Intentions for our Content

  • Better Search Engine Ranking
  • Huge & Quality Search Traffic
  • Search Algorithm Update Proof
  • User Retention & Engagement

1. Title (SEO Title)

  • The article post title consists of a phrase most used by users for a problem/solution.
  • App post titles simply consist of the app name, e.g. Opera Browser.
  • SEO title contains the target keyword in the beginning and related keywords in the end.
  • Permalink or slug is the target keyword.

2. Excerpt (Meta Description)

  • The article Excerpt is a relevant & impactful message, which explains the contents of the page.
  • App Excerpt (Sub-title) is a one-line text, which describes an app’s best function/use. It may include the app category/niche keyword.

3. Introduction (App Description)

  • The Introduction is our first piece of content for any page/post type.
  • The page intro is also our starting pitch to engage the user in reading or buying.
  • The page/post intro can contain more or less 3 paragraphs of text.
  • App description text contains more or less 50 words.

Parts of Introduction

  1. Discuss the current issue
  2. Relate it to the user
  3. Provide quick solution

Properties of App Description

  • Keyword-rich sentences with correct grammar
  • Beautiful, intuitive, creative, compelling language
  • Clearly explained the positives + and negatives –

4. Main Content (App Review)

  • The main content for articles starts with an H2 heading containing the target key phrase.
  • Provide a detailed description/solution to the user with complete information.
  • It covers all user’s concerns and queries – keywords and questions.
  • The content copy contains more or less 300 words.

Structure of App Review

  1. Introduction
  2. Main Information
  3. Conclusion

Properties of Content

  • Relatable – How it is relevant to your user or not?
  • Honest – What you write is real and trustworthy.
  • Informative – It provides helpful information.
  • Easy to read – It is clear and easy to follow.

Whether you’re writing a review or a general blog post, every piece of content should have a basic structure. With strong writing skills, structure comes naturally.

4.1. Introduction

The introduction can be more than one paragraph. The rules of description also apply here.

NOTE: For app posts, the app description will be used as an introduction.

  • Introduce the product/problem/solution
  • Discuss the claims it makes
  • Talk about its target users/problems
  • Mention any interesting details that readers should know

4.2. Main Information

Talk about all those aforementioned claims; here is where you either sing its praises, rip it to shreds, or just shrug indifferently. You should use a paragraph for each topic.

  • Your impression and if it changed (or didn’t)
  • Talk about any stand-out features
  • Mention anything disappointing
  • Who will it benefit? Bridge features with benefits
  • Is it high-quality/user-friendly/worth the price?
  • Are there any alternative products out there?

4.3. Conclusion

  • Summarize your main points
  • Give your concluding thoughts

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