According to a complaint on the official Reddit thread Exporimal players are dealing with a story bug. Players have pointed out that their story progression in Exporimal is stuck on a certain percentage.
Here we have explained how can you solve the Exporimal stuck-on story progression problem.
How to Fix Exporimal Stuck on Story Progression?
The players have explained certain suggestions that can help you resolve the issue.
According to Roadblock
I think I read before to just keep playing, eventually, it will trigger ur scene to unlock and progress more in the story.
Not only this but some progression requires specific gameplay so the guys you get match made with need to be at the same progression in the story or past it. IE Magnum Escort, a first raid against Neo Rex, etc all require everyone on the match to either be at that point in the story or past it
According to koral_reef_11
He has suggested that “you have to queue solo” to unlock the cutscene and progress in Exporimal
Still, it is best to contact Capcom support. As the game is quite new to there may be bug-related issues.